Eigener Name bei Dateilinks
Bei den Dateilinks die Beschreibung als Linkname benutzen und nicht den Dateinamen.
Wenn man mehrere Dateien hat wird durch ein Umbruch im Beschreibungsfeld der Name für die
nächste datei bestimmt.
!!!!! Bei Dateilink muss unbedingt “Layout 1″ ausgewählt sein !!!!!
Wenn die extension css_styled_content eingesetz wird muss Folgendes benutz werden.
Root Template
styles.content.uploads {
# cat=content/cUploads; type=wrap; label= Wrap: Wrap for content element “Filelinks”
wrap = <b> | </b>
labelWrap =
sizeWrap =
tdWrap = |
# cat=content/cUploads; type=wrap; label= Wrap, description: Wrap for the description of content element “Filelinks”. If this is NOT set, the description will not shown up.
descriptionWrap =
jumpurl_secure =
jumpurl_secure_mimeTypes = pdf=application/pdf, doc=application/msword
jumpurl =
styles.content.tableStyle {
# cat=content/cTable; type=color; label= Tables background color
color =
color1 =
color2 =
alignField =
styles.content.uploads = TEXT
styles.content.uploads {
current = 1
override.filelist.field = select_key
trim = 1
required = 1
split {
token = ,
cObjNum = 1
1.current = 1
1.trim =1
1.filelink {
path = uploads/media/
path.override.field = select_key
path.override.listNum = 0
path.override.listNum.splitChar = |
size = 1
size.wrap = {$styles.content.uploads.tdWrap}
size.innerWrap =
size.innerWrap2 = {$styles.content.uploads.sizeWrap}
size.fontTag = {$styles.content.uploads.wrap}
size.bytes = 1
size.if.isTrue.field = filelink_size
labelStdWrap.fontTag = {$styles.content.uploads.labelWrap}
file.fontTag = {$styles.content.uploads.wrap}
file.wrap = {$styles.content.uploads.tdWrap}
file.postCObject = TEXT
file.postCObject {
field = imagecaption
required = 1
if.directReturn = {$styles.content.uploads.descriptionWrap}
wrap = <br />{$styles.content.uploads.descriptionWrap}
listNum.stdWrap.data = register : SPLIT_COUNT
listNum.splitChar = 10
stdWrap.wrap = | <br>
target = _blank
jumpurl = {$styles.content.uploads.jumpurl}
jumpurl.secure = {$styles.content.uploads.jumpurl_secure}
jumpurl.secure.mimeTypes = {$styles.content.uploads.jumpurl_secure_mimeTypes}
removePrependedNumbers = 1
tableStyle < styles.content.tableStyle
styles.content.uploads_icons < styles.content.uploads
styles.content.uploads_icons.split.1.filelink {
icon = 1
icon.wrap2 = |
icon_link = 1
styles.content.uploads_imgicons < styles.content.uploads_icons
styles.content.uploads_imgicons.split.1.filelink {
icon_image_ext_list.data = global: TYPO3_CONF_VARS|GFX|imagefile_ext
icon.wrap = {$_blackBorderWrap}
# tablestyle
styles.content.tableStyle {
align.field = {$styles.content.tableStyle.alignField}
border.field = table_border
cellspacing.field = table_cellspacing
cellpadding = 1
cellpadding.override.field = table_cellpadding
color.field = table_bgColor
color.default = {$styles.content.tableStyle.color}
color.1 = {$styles.content.tableStyle.color1}
color.2 = {$styles.content.tableStyle.color2}
# CType: uploads
tt_content.uploads >
tt_content.uploads = COA
tt_content.uploads {
10 = < lib.stdheader
20 = CASE
20 {
setCurrent.field = media
key.field = layout
default < styles.content.uploads
1 < styles.content.uploads_icons
2 < styles.content.uploads_imgicons
3 < styles.content.uploads_imgicons
3.split.1.filelink.icon.wrap >
20.stdWrap.editIcons = tt_content:media, layout [table_bgColor|table_border|table_cellspacing|table_cellpadding],filelink_size,imagecaption
20.stdWrap.editIcons.iconTitle=Edit filelist
tt_content.uploads.20.1.split.1.filelink.labelStdWrap.field = imagecaption
tt_content.uploads.20.1.split.1.filelink.labelStdWrap.listNum.stdWrap.data= register:SPLIT_COUNT
tt_content.uploads.20.1.split.1.filelink.labelStdWrap.listNum.splitChar = 10
Wenn kein css_styled_content verwendet wird.
!!!! Es muss wieder das “Layout 1″ verwendet werden !!!!
tt_content.uploads.20.1.split.1.filelink.labelStdWrap. field = imagecaption
tt_content.uploads.20.1.split.1.filelink.labelStdWrap. listNum.stdWrap.data = register:SPLIT_COUNT
tt_content.uploads.20.1.split.1.filelink.labelStdWrap. listNum.splitChar = 10
styles.content.imgtext.captionSplit = 1
styles.content.uploads.wrap = |